Sunday, April 16, 2006

Little liberations

You know, I never wanted to be the guy who had to pound on doors and ask people to turn down their music. It felt too much like crossing a barrier into being an old man. I don't what being 36 is suppose to feel like, but one of the great surprises of adulthood is how often you don't feel all that much different than when you were a teenager. So I thought I was safe from that one.

That theory was proven wrong around 3:30 a.m. when two hours of tossing and turning in a desperate attempt to mentally block the sound of heavy metal music finally caused me to snap, get out of bed, get dressed and then pound on our neighbour's door and tell him to turn down the music. Some fresh-faced, mildly stunned, probably stoned 22-year-old guy answered the door, apologized and turned down the music.

So I am "that guy" now. At one point, I was the mildly stunned 22-year-old answering the door with the police saying they had received a complaint about the noise and could I keep it down (the complaint came from the people living in the basement apartment of my father's house. They will never know how close them came to be evicted for calling the cops on me.)

Anyway, chalk one more up in the "I am becoming old category." On the upside, if I hadn't of done it, Cathy was going to go over and "have a chat" which meant I would have spent most of my day online or on the phones soliciting bail money.

So two things have come from this. First, we are moving. No idea when, really, but that's that. We've put up with the noise for the better part of eight months. People living on other floors call ours "the party floor." So we're done. We were going to wait and see what happens with me on the job front. But since it could take months to get anywhere with a new apartment given the vacancy rates around here, we're not waiting the extra month. The sooner we can flee to some place a bit more quiet, the better.

Secondly, we're getting a dog. Which, I appreciate might be eliminating one kind of noise for another.

We can't have a dog in this apartment complex. Cathy has wanted one for years. And the next place is going to be two-bedroom that will allow dogs, she is beginning her quest for one. A couple of hours were spent online today checking out what kind of dog she wants. Because while I have no problem getting a dog, her dream dog, a Newfoundland, is not happening while we're up here. No way. And thankfully, she understands that.

So if anyone has a suggestion for a dog, feel free. The requirements include:
1. A thick enough coat so that we don't have to spend 20 minutes bundling it up to go and pee.
2. No so big that it takes up an entire apartment.
3. Not so small that there is a risk the ravens will swoop in and carry it off (you only think I'm kidding).
4. Quiet and a nice personality.
5. And able to handle time by itself alone in an apartment without feeling the compulsion to destroy the place as a cry for attention.

I'm honestly beginning to think that Yeti is more likely to exist than this mythic dog, but if people have suggestions, let me know. Cathy is leaning towards a Chow Chow right now.

Currently Playing
Blink The Brightest - Tracy Bonham


Anonymous said...

Personally I don't think asking someone to turn down their music at 3:30 in the morning makes you an old man. If you were having to go to the bathroom every night at 3:30, then you are an old man.

As for the dog, my advice is skewed, but if you want my two cents. We had a doberman when we were in the north.(THEY ARE NOT EVIL DOGS BY NATURE IF RAISED GOOD THEY ARE GOOD) The cold did get to her at times, the rushing out to pee and rushing in. She did get use to it but she proably didn't forgive use for taking her to northern Labrador.

We had a dog for a little while we were here and it turned out to be a mistake we were gone for most of the day so it turned into an emmensly clingy dog that couldn't go outside(Hence many accidents) and chewed up everything as a release. ANd she was a bitter, so she went to live with her mommy(When you have a child that's what you sometimes have to say happened.) We now have a guinea pig, he's quiet, midly cute and named Chester. Let my story be a warning!

Anonymous said...

One last thing, Labradors do well in cold climates and can be fairly relaxed in nature.

Anonymous said...

For the love of god, don't get a chihuahua or however you spell the name of those rats.

I vote for a Labrador... love them...

Anonymous said...

Got to recommend the lovely Pembroke Welsh Corgi. They're perfect apartment-sized dogs, easy-going, bright. They're smallish but not stupid small. They're affectionate and insanely cute.

Downsides: the shedding is out of control. They can be vocal - while Dexter doesn't seem to bark for the sake of barking, he feels it necessary to inform us of anything that might require our attention - the phone ringing, a dog barking outside, sometimes the microwave beeping... And they're fairly strong-willed, but they're also extremely food-motivated, so it balances out.

Also, in Canada, every third person you pass on the street will say "Oh, that's the Queen's dog." Sometimes I reply that I'm just dogsitting for her, but nobody ever seems to get the joke.

Of course, maybe you should just wander down to your local SPCA and see who needs a home. What about husky rescue - I understand there's programs like that in parts of the Arctic?

Anonymous said...

Huskies are nice dogs, but can be high-energy and are, for the most part, not bright. They are bred to run. Keep that in mind! Corgis are fabulous dogs. I like the Cardigan variety, myself, but that's just because I like dogs with tails. Personal preference!

Any young dog will probably be very active and potentially destructive. If I were you, I'd crate train the dog. It's not cruel, as long as you don't leave them there too long, and it absolutely prevents destruction and chaos while you're out. Our older two no longer need crates, but Moss still stays in his while we're out. My feeling on training is that it's easier to prevent the dog learning a bad habit than to fix a learned habit.

An adult dog would be easier, as long as it's somewhat well-behaved. That said, you are somewhat restricted as to what you can get by your location. Are you willing to fly an animal in? How much do you want this to cost you?

Personally, I'd suggest something intelligent, trainable, non-shedding (as much as any dog really is - not because you're allergic, but to save on work & cleaning), medium-sized, medium-energy, related to the waterdogs and newf family and gregarious of personality. Try a Portugese Water Dog, a Wheaton Terrier or a standard poodle (but for heaven's sake, not with the weird lion cut). Strangely enough, standard poodles are really, really nice dogs. They're nothing like the yappy little toys.

To boot, there are some wonderful terriers out there. Just steer clear of the Jack Russell, as they're like miniature border collies on speed.

Dobes and greyhounds are nice, quiet, indoor dogs, but get cold easier than other breeds. Don't get a chocolate lab. The chocolate colouring seems to eliminate the intelligence and add craziness to their personalities. Ordinary labs are either insane or couch potatoes. I've had both.

Some of the nicest dogs I've met have been shepherd crosses. They tend to be smart, friendly and like the outdoors. They shed like crazy, though. Terrier crosses can also be nice. Much will depend on the dog itself.

In your shoes, I'd probably look at a mutt or the Portugese Water Dog. Either or. Price will possibly be the determining factor.

Anonymous said...

If you were looking at a portugese water dog then I might suggest a Labradoodle. Yes, you read right...........a google will vindicate such a silly name. My son is "sort of allergic" and I investigatated all sorts of hypo allergenic muts and was impressed on the breed. Hybrid dogs are the latest rage and this breed was started by a blind woman living in Australia who had a severe allergy to dogs. Depending on the dominant gene you will get the coat of a standard poodle on the body of a labrador retreiver or vice versa.

The $800-1200 delivered to YYT was a deterent...........we now have "Louie" a terrier/bairded collie cross who sleeps where ever he wants!!

Enjoy your musings
