Sunday, July 06, 2008

Florence, part 2

Not much to update on this evening. Cathy's feet continue to improve. We finished our hop on, hop off tour of Florence. We hit a leather working school which, according to Let's Go, had plenty of good deals on local leather.

Let's Go is on drugs, just in case you were thinking of picking up a travel guide. Don't get me wrong, the leather there was spectacular. Soft as butter. But it was priced appropriately for the quality. Not the first time we've reached the conclusion that Let's Go is on crack. We actually picked up a Lonely Plantet, Venice, today and it's already much more helpful than Let's Go.

Other assorted ramblings around Florence. The famed Point Vecchio bridge with all the goldsmiths. Mom would have been in her glory. So filled with bright and shiny things. We also went back to the market for a few things for ourselves and the parents. Other than food, water, transport and the occasional tour and museum thing, we haven't bought much in the way of gifts. Probably just as well, given how light we're travelling.

Tomorrow it is off to the Tucan countryside and Pisa. Tuesday is a tour of the Uffli museum. Wednesday is still up for grabs, and then we're off to Venice on Thursday.

So far, so good...

1 comment:

Jackie S. Quire said...

Yeesh townie... you missed our inaugural professional phone call....

Just called your office for a media question and got your out of office VM.


Hope you're enjoying yourself!