Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And we're back...

So, we're back...

I'm sure there will be plenty to discuss over the next few days about airlines, Christmas at home, the joys of travelling with small puppies and whatnot. Oh, and New Year's resolutions. I have something I'm debating right now and we'll see if I'm going to do it in the next few days.

However, right now we're both exhausted as we didn't get much sleep last night (Cathy because of a cold, me because my flight left 5 a.m.) and we're also both feeling like crap. Oh, and we have to go to work tomorrow. Blah. Ah well, it's only a three day work week. Surely god we can tough it out the extra few days.

Oh, and thanks for all the kind Christmas messages, both on the blog and in e-mail. Things should get back to normal on the blog now. No more extended breaks until at least Easter...


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back, safe and sound.I have missed reading your blog. It had become part of my daily routine.Looking forward to hearing some tales from your travels.

Tina Chaulk said...

Happy New Year. I missed your blog too. So happy you're back at it, but I'm sure you enjoyed the break.

towniebastard said...

I did enjoy the break and thanks for the kind words. I'm debating whether or not I'm going to keep up the same pace with the blog in the coming year. I posted pretty close to every day in the past year. I did it as a writing exercise. Now I'm wondering if I should post less, but make sure they are of better quality.

Also, two New Year's resolutions might get in the way of blogging so much. One is to spend less time online (I spend way too much right now) and the other is to finish the book.

It might be crap, but I owe it to myself to at least finish it and send it around to a few publishers to get rejected.

Tina Chaulk said...

Yes, you must finish the book and get it out there. I teach my son a mantra and he already, at three, reminds me from time to time: "you won't know if you don't try". Just take that determination that got you through nanowrimo and put it to getting it published.