Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ah Spring...

....where the temperature will get up to a balmy -27 today. But, one good thing, apparently there will be little wind until later in the day, keeping the temperature under -30. Wheeeee.....

Now, it's not all bad news. Other bloggers have noted that with spring comes the lovely shift in daylight, so that we're no longer enduring lots and lots of darkness. This is actually a normal time of the year for daylight. In about a month's time we'll start getting unnatural amounts of daylight. And shortly after that we'll be getting ridiculous amounts of daylight. But right not, this is a good amount.

However, it's the cold that's getting to us now. For those of you, in my mini-poll from a few weeks ago, who picked cold over shovelling, well, many of you are now preparing to put away your shovels for the year. We still have a couple of more months of sub-zero temperatures to look forward to.

We'd both like just a little bit of a break. Noting radical like temperatures above zero or anything crazy like that. Just a day or two where we could not wear the big ugly bulk winter coats without risking frostbite or hypothermia. Something around -8 or -9. You adapt to the levels of cold here. So while many of you would be horrified to get -9 in late March, we would be going around in spring coats.

Yeah, we need to get to Ottawa...

Oh, almost forgot, the latest in weight - 232, down 2.8 pounds. I really do need to crack that 230 barrier at some point.


Anonymous said...

Some of us are not putting away our shovels just yet, thank you. It's calling for 20 MF'ing cms here this evening. And my trip overseas to warm weather, sun, and civilization has been cancelled. I am not amused.

By the way, Captain America's shield has been given to Stephen Colbert. Did you see the show?

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

With the arrival of spring I have defiantly put away the super parka and am back to wearing a regular winter coat. Yes, I am a little chilly, but I really want spring!! It warmed up here to -20 on the weekend and I went outside without a toque or mittens! It was wonderful!

towniebastard said...

You mean Stephenville doesn't count as civilization?

And yes, I saw the shield on the show. Man, is it me or is Colbert the cultural benchmark for stuff these day. Weirdness.

And Kara, We figure we can struggle without the super parka (great name) at about -10 or so. -20 and colder is pushing it just a bit too much.

Anonymous said...

Stephenville is civilization. It's civilization without the Comedy Network (hence no Colbert Report or Daily Show--thank you Persona). I was just looking forward to another type of civilization for about two weeks. One that came with sand instead of snow. Lebanese food instead of Mary Brown's. Blue warm water instead of black ice. Shisha bars (lebneh with cheese and zatar)! The produce section at Carrefour! And, God help me--Marks and Spencer's and Harrods at Heathrow. My stockpile of chocolate covered digestives is nearly depleted.

Wahhhh, I miss Abu Dhabi. And Himself will be over there for more than a month.

Anonymous said...

Craig, I know several restaurants for you and Cathy and am happy to make Italian.

Colette: looks like I should bring some chocolate as well as cheeses. Have discovered a nutella-type chocolate spread made with Cote d'Or choco...any guys wanna make their women happy, well, this is the stuff.