Friday, June 23, 2006

Rodents no more...

At the risk of having everyone in the great St. John's area suffer hearing damage from Colette's high pitched girlie squeals, I present to you to the latest pictures of the puppies. Also, my friend Seamus might want to get some insulin just in case a diabetic coma is imminent.

To my knowledge, the puppies are between four and five weeks old now. So we have serious cuteness happening.

Apparently they're becoming difficult to photography because they're becoming very "squirmy". We've also received the list of supplies we should buy from the breeder. It includes, as best I can figures, about $100 worth of combs and brushes. Which is a bit much, I should think.

Less than two months until we get the dog. Thank god...Cathy is driving me slowly mad. I'm starting to hear "Doggie!" in my sleep.


Anonymous said...

Oh _definitely_, serious cuteness indeed. Aw, lookit the snuggly, squirmy puppies with round little bellies. We need to see puppy tummy (and tails! and puppy yawns!), Craig.

Where's the video?

Edward Hollett said...

Do we get the gestational video or the stills from the proud parents, you know the one that goes with the latest ultrasound?

Yes, they are cute. mjy kids loved the shots.

towniebastard said...

You mock, Ed, but apparently the breeded actually did have an ultrasound done to see how many puppies there were and if they were heathy.

We didn't ask for those. We thought might be a little too much.

We are eagerly awaiting the promised video, however. Cathy is going slowly mad knowing she has to wait another two months until we get the puppy. I've told her the first time I catch her wishing away our summer so she can get the puppy, she's in trouble.

Oh, and becareful of the kids loving the puppies too much. They're expensive little buggers...

Anonymous said...

Yes, Craig, kids are expensive little buggers, indeed.

towniebastard said...

You know, that's not what I meant, but it still works that way...

Edward Hollett said...

Expensive buggers? I understand on both counts. So far i have been able to keep them limited to hamsters and fish.

Kirsten said...

Ohhhhhhhh.......... :D :D