Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Too far, you think?

An honest-to-God real poster campaign launched by the SPCA South Auckland, New Zealand. As might be expected, it's upsetting a few people, although I have to admit it's clever. Not sure if it's all that bright, but it is clever. And I've certainly seen PETA do stupider and more offensive things.

"He answers to Mr. Whiskers." Heh...


Anonymous said...

Imagine having that sign up in Nunavut

Dana said...

I swear to god, those wacky kiwis. there's nothing like going too far. Check out these ACC commercials.

Dana said...

oh no, better one, better one! can't find the video, but even the complaint is pretty funny.

tanker belle said...

I must admit, funny wasn't what I was thinking...rather sick.

towniebastard said...

Dana, the commercial can't possibly be funnier than the complaint and the defence. That's some brilliant stuff.

And yeah, Ida, I don't think that sign would fly in Iqaluit. Although truthfully, I haven't seen many cats up here. At least outside. I think the cold, and the volume of dogs running loose, pretty much assure that most cats remain in their homes.

Liam O'Brien said...