Saturday, September 01, 2007

New Bonds...

The papers have been finally signed and even though it was becoming common knowledge when I was home last month, I didn't feel comfortable talking about this until now.

Way back in January I wrote this post lamenting that my friend Anne was going to have to sell her wonderful house on Bond Street. It was simply too much house just for her and the costs were getting too high to maintain. I was quite sad because of how much that house means to me and my circle of friends. More than one of us checked our finances to see if we could scrape together the funds to buy it. We couldn't and I assumed that no one else would be able to either.

And yet, a funny thing happened along the way...

My good friends Andrew and Karin live in Nebraska. Andrew's been wanting to come home for awhile and Karin, even though she's from Nebraska, has fallen deeply in love with Canada, and especially Newfoundland. They'd been thinking about moving home at some point in the next couple of years.

So Karin is reading my blog one day and discovers that Anne's house is for sale. She tells Andrew and comes up with a singularly genius notion - "We should buy Anne's house!"

And lo and behold, as of today, they have. 117/119 Bond Street now belongs to them. I couldn't be happier because it couldn't belong to nicer people.

It's also a relief because I can finally talk about it. I've known this plan was in motion since the end of January when they began talking to Anne about buying the place. I've had long conversations with both of them as the alternated between asking questions about the place and cursing me for putting the notion in their heads to begin with.

As Karin has told me many times, "This is all your fault!"

For which I will happily accept all responsibility, up to, but not including, accepting any of the costs they are now about to incur.

They have grand plans for the place, while will likely take several years to develop. Still, I can't wait to see what they'll do to the place. I have no doubt the place will look spectacular. I'm just happy the house is staying "in the family." Karin has even offered to keep the ongoing New Year's tradition going.

Which means she's going to have to learn to cook haggis. Oh dear...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know we'll all continue calling it "Anne's house" long after we've moved in.

Anne will always be in charge of the Haggis and will forever be a guest of honor in our new home.

Thanks again Craig. It is your fault so the 1st month's mortgage bill is in the mail.